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domingo, 14 de março de 2010

Bloodthirsty vampires

I live on street corners, in places that no one should walk.
I go out into the night behind my prey.
Darkness strengthens my being.

I'm a vampire
I'm a vampire
The blade hunting me
The dracula is my lord
I'm a vampire

I thirst for blood
Your heart is the main dish.
I hunger for your soul
I cursed and I want revenge


Beware evil
it is treacherous


Holy water, cross and garlic
Stake or any other myth
None of this can destroy me.
I'm immortal

Happiness, joy and hope
Away when I get
I came to the valley of death
To get my revenge


Profaned my grave.
When I sleep in eternal peace
My soul had left my body
Now my body was dominated by bad
And seeks revenge.

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